Joran van der Sloot's confession does not correspond with the results of the autopsy report in the death of Stephany Flores. The 21-year old Peruvian has died as a result of being beat on the head with a blunt object, which caused a fracture of the skull. This can be concluded out of the autopsy report of the Peruvian pathologist. Dutch newspaper Metro read the document.
Joost van der Wegen/Metro Holland
The facts out of the report seem to be in stride with the confession of Joran in June 2010. In this he stated he had beaten the 21-year old Peruvian woman in a rage, after which he strangled her, en suffocated her, by pushing his shirt on her face.
Metro looked into the report of the autopsy of pathologist Vargas, which was executed on the 4th of June 2010. It says that Stephany has died of a 'trauma of the head as a result of a beating with a blunt object'. The documents tells us the pathologist wasn't able to find any traces of strangulation on the body of Flores, because the body had deterriorated to much. The girl was found on the morning of the 1st of June 2010, by the personel of the hotel Tac in Lima. The room was booked in his name. Two days later Joran van der Sloot was held in Chile, as a suspect of the murder.
The forensic report also mentions the discovery of a 'Prince' tennisracket, found on Stephany's foot. In Joran's interrrogation in June 2010 a detective specifically asked Joran if he had used this racket for the murder. Van der Sloot denied this. Hij declared Flores was the first to hit him after she found out in his email he was the suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, in a response he gave her 'a hard elbow' in her face. This caused her to smash against the wall, but did not kill her immediately. The pathologist reports no hairs have been found on Flores' body. He did find amfetamines, also known as speed, in her blood. Joran denied giving her this.
Van der Sloot appears for the judge in Lima tomorrow. Last Friday he requested the judge for a postponal of the trial, since he wanted to study the indictment of the prosecutor. Main issue at the trial will be, if the judge will convict him for manslaughter or murder, or will find him not guilty - or will accept a deal. In Peru one can be sentenced upto a life imprisonment for murder. Manslaughter could lead to 8 to 20 years jailtime.
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